Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome from the Chair

Posted here.

Welcome to the website of the 46th District Democrats. We are a community organization and the grassroots arm of the Democratic Party in North Seattle.

"The purpose of the organization shall be to promote citizen participation in the Democratic Party, advance the 46th District Democrats’ platform, and support and work for the election of Democratic candidates and candidates for nonpartisan office who demonstrably espouse the principles contained in that platform."

- Our Platform

Activism is the quest to answer three questions.

  1. What decision is being made?
  2. Who is making that decision?
  3. How can I influence that decision?

Most often, political activism focuses our attention on legislation, executive decisions, and the elected members of our government that we can influence by our vote. Community activists recognize that this is only part of the picture. The decisions we make as individuals, like whether to pay our mortgage or our medical bills, are just as important as a decision made by an elected official whether to lower interest rates or pass Health Care Reform. And our ability to influence decisions can be focused in both directions, as we try to influence the larger community toward social and economic justice.

I've heard it said that Democracy stands on two feet. One is political, the other is economic. If the members of our community do not have a solid and secure economic foundation, they will be too distracted by their lives to be able to get involved or even pay close attention to the decisions made by elected officials. In order for the Democratic Party to be able to say that we support "Democracy", we need to be as focused on the day to day decisions of the members of our community as we are focused on the day to day actions in City Hall, the County Council, Olympia or Washington D.C.

I encourage everyone to get involved in their community. Our membership provides our organization with the resources that we need to conduct our operations. Our resolutions and platform are the basis for how we communicate with our elected officials and how we allocate our resources to influence their decisions. We use tools both online and off to get in touch with our neighbors, build and strengthen our community, and maximize the positive influence we can have. We invite you to join us, teach and learn from us, and be empowered to become the change that you wish to see in the world.

- Chad Lupkes
Chair, 46th District Democrats

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