Wednesday, February 03, 2010


You are invited to participate, with your Platform Committee, in a “grass-roots” meeting this coming Saturday, February 6, to help develop the 46th District Democrats’ 2010 platform.

As a part of our State Democrats’ biennial process, all local Democratic organizations have been invited to adopt platforms at their upcoming caucuses. Our caucus will occur on March 14, and it is the duty of your Platform Committee to develop and present a recommended draft platform for your consideration on that occasion, facilitated by the draft’s being included in the Official Call to the caucus.

You will recall, from the excitement of Presidential year 2008, that our platform development that year began with submission of ideas at February precinct caucuses throughout the District. Our previous platform, that of 2006, was re-examined in light of those ideas and an appropriately updated draft for 2008 was presented at the District Caucus in April (after being included in the Call to that event).

This year, however, without the draw of a Presidential-nomination contest, our State Democratic Central Committee decided to forgo the initial step of precinct caucuses and commence the process with caucuses at the next level, which in our case means the Legislative District Democratic organization. As a substitute for the grass-roots contributions from our constituent precincts, we have scheduled this Saturday’s meeting – to hear from YOU!

In the meantime, your Platform Committee has not been idle. A lengthy, plank-by-plank examination of our 2008 adopted platform is almost complete, and we will have a Committee-updated draft ready for your review as a starting point at Saturday’s meeting. We expect to finish that draft at the Committee’s next meeting, this Thursday night, and to have it ready ASAP thereafter for posting on the District’s website, While waiting for that to occur, it would be wise to prepare yourself for the Saturday meeting by taking another look at that starting point, our 2008 platform (already on the website, via the “Resources” link).

Saturday’s meeting will be held at Olympic View Community Church, 425 NE 95th St. (our former LD meeting site), beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at noon. Please come and give us your reactions and other ideas! Your Committee will carefully consider your contributions and devote its remaining February meetings to developing a final draft for inclusion in the Call and consideration at our March 14 District caucus.

Hope to see you there!

Dean Fournier, Platform Committee Chair

Chad Lupkes, Chair

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