Friday, May 22, 2009

Candidate Forum Open Thread

So, last night we had our candidate forum for the 2009 election cycle. Candidates for the City Council, Seattle Mayor and City Attorney answered questions and spoke about the issues that we care about.

This is an open thread. Please feel free to post comments on what you saw and heard, and talk to each other about which candidates deserve our endorsement on June 18th!

Don't forget, another opportunity to hear from the Seattle Mayor candidates is June 2nd at the Seattle Labor Temple, starting at 6:30pm. Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Sally B. said...

Chad: Thanks for taking my call this morning. As you suggested, I followed up with Publicola. I am grateful for your directing me to that website.

I also would like to extend my apology to you, your board and all those in the 46th District. I am very embarrassed, and am trying to make amends.

Last night during the yes/no questions I was asked "Have you contributed in the last 5 years to a Republican?" I said no, because I honestly thought I had not. But I was wrong; my husband apparently had, and my name was on the check too. Here's what I sent back to Josh Feit in response to his "bust" on Publicola:

"Josh is right. I was wrong. My family donated $150 to Rob McKenna’s campaign in 2007. This check was written by my husband, but it was written on our joint checking account and it shows up as such in the PDC report. I also contributed $40 to my friend Kathy Lambert’s campaign 4.5 years ago. I was wrong to answer the question “Have you contributed in the last 5 years to a Republican” as I did. I definitely should have said YES when asked the question and will do so in the future. My humble apologies, I am truly embarrassed by my error."

If I could have a do-over, I would have answered the question that was implied, whether I have endorsed Republicans in the past five years and the answer to that is YES. I endorsed my boss the late Norm Maleng, my fifteen-year friend and colleague Dan Satterberg, and my long-time friend and client Rob McKenna. I have worked to obtain endorsements on their behalf from the legal community because they were friends and because I viewed each of these people as the best person for the job. Each has served with integrity.

I should have addressed this in my last minute wrap up, and I failed to do so. For that I'm truly sorry. Please accept my apology, and if you or the Board want me to apologize in person I certainly will. If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, please let me know.

Sally Bagshaw
206-342-9057 (h)