Saturday, August 08, 2009

A health care story from North Seattle

The Health Care Reform debate touches every single person in the United States. I would like to share one story that I received from someone in the 46th:

I am a 75 year old Senior who until very recently enjoyed excellent health. I am on Medicare Advantage through the Essence Health Plan. The plan has zero premium and my maximum out of pocket expense is $2,600. My primary care doctor is through Polyclinic, which is closely associated with the Swedish Hospital.

About 3 weeks ago my skin became jaundice. Two days after this observation, I saw my Primary Care Doctor. Two days later I was admitted to Swedish for a procedure to put a stint that bypassed my common bile duct. An ultrasound and CAT Scan showed there was a tumor blocking my common bile duct. The procedure did not work and surgery was performed on Friday. The surgery, while very dangerous, was successful and the cancerous tumor was removed, and by the following Thursday I was at home recuperating rapidly. Again, my total out of pocket was capped at $2,600. At every turn, I received the finest, most responsive treatment a person could ever have at any cost.

At this point, I am saddened and angry over all the misinformation out there about how "a government system does not work". Medicare Advantage DOES WORK, and it works well. If anyone wants to use my story to battle the misinformation, you can and you may use my name if you wish. As an aside, I spoke with a close friend who is involved in Medicare Advantage plans. I asked him what his feedback is on the client satisfaction with Medicare Advantage. He said he has experienced virtually no complaints. An occasional technical issue, maybe, but those are easily resolved.

Chad, I am an active Democrat in the 46th district and I am turning to you so this story can be told at both the State and National level if anyone wishes. By the way, my recovery appears rapid.


Please tell your friends and neighbors that we are trying to strengthen a system that works. Medicare for All, or a Public Insurance Option that helps us reach for that goal, is something that everyone in this country should be looking forward to. I pay taxes to help pay for Walt's medical care. I only wish I could pay for my own through the same system.

Chad Lupkes
Chair, 46th District Democrats


mastoyshop said...

Chad Thank you for sharing this story. Everyday I am presented with stories from people across the USA who have been pushed into the poor house by insurance companies that dont cover their illnesses. It is nice to see Im not the only one that hears from people who are sharing their story with medicare in a positive way.

Mona said...

Thank you Walt for sharing your story and to you Chad for posting it.