Wednesday, March 03, 2010

March Demogram

I’ll be blunt. Frustration is rising. As we move further into this election year, people are looking at Washington DC and seeing Congress blocked from doing anything to help us because just a few voices are so opposed to making a positive difference that they are willing to do anything to stop our progress. This cannot stand. But while I know that you understand who is on our side, too many people just look at the entire political system and throw up their hands.

We need to give people a reason not to give up. We, the members of the Democratic Party at a local, state and national level, need to present a vision for what our country can be if we listen to each other, learn from the past, plan for the future and keep in the front of our minds that we are all in this together. As a country and as a world we will only survive, succeed and thrive if we all work together.

What drives people away from the political process? I think it has more to do with their concerns not getting addressed than anything else. We are of course limited on what we can do from a small geographical area in the Northern part of a single city. But we need to maximize our impact by encouraging each other to speak out.

At the Legislative District Town Hall on February 20th my son came up with a question all on his own. “What is Washington State doing to get electric cars on our roads?” This from an 11-year-old boy who listens to my wife and I talk about the news and knows that we have the ability to protect his future if we just get on the right track.

Our LD Caucus is on Sunday, March 14th at Ingraham High School. I would love to see a few hundred active people, wanting to get the business done and ready to engage in a discussion of how we can put our country on the right track. Our Draft Platform is on our website ready for your review. The agenda and rules are posted. I hope to see you there!

Read more in our March Demogram!

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