Saturday, April 17, 2010

Aggressive Solicitation Ordinance (Council Bill Number: 116807)

Dear Councilman Burgess, members of the Seattle Council, Mayor McGinn and City Attorney Holmes,

At the meeting of the 46th District Democrats on Thursday, April 15th, 2010, a resolution was submitted by one of our members expressing concerns about Council Bill 116807, the Aggressive Solicitation Ordinance. The resolution passed with a very strong margin, which you can read about on the blog of The Stranger.

The resolution is linked from our website on this page:

I will also attach a copy to this email.

My impression of the discussion was reflected well in the interview that I had with Dominic from The Stranger on Friday morning. And I very much appreciated Council Member Harrell's discussion points on the resolution during the main program of our meeting where both he and Council President Conlin had a chance to speak. The question I believe we need to focus on is the outcome that we desire to see that this ordinance was drafted to address.

Please take the views of the membership of the 46th District Democrats into account while you are debating and voting on Monday.

Chad Lupkes
Chair, 46th District Democrats

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