Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Control Your Demogram Subscription

Dear Valued Member,

Thank you for everything that you are doing to support our efforts in the 2010 election cycle. We can't do this without you.

Did you know that the 46th District spends almost 30% of our expense budget every year to print and mail our newsletter? We are also trying to find ways to balance our values on the environment with our need to spread our message. We're constantly trying to find ways to reduce that, and I would like to offer a way for you to help us control our costs and our environmental impact.

We now have over 800 Demogram subscribers who have shared your email addresses with us. We send out a friendly reminder each month when the Demogram is published on-line on our website. That email includes an easy-to-access link so you can read that month's issue and any of the back-issues at your leisure. However, the Demogram is one of our major outreach efforts, giving our paid members a monthly reminder of just how important we consider your membership to be, and also giving you something to pass on to friends and neighbors in order to spread our message.

Over the last few months, I have tried a few things to provide the member services that you expect while also trying to minimize our expenses. In March, we sent a printed Demogram to all of our members in order to boost participation in the Legislative District Caucus on March 14th. In April, I pulled back and only sent printed Demograms to people who had requested it or for whom we don't have an email address. (If you expected one in your mailbox and didn't receive one, please go to our website and view the copy online. We will have the extra copies at our meeting tomorrow night.)

I would like your help to find the point in the middle of these extremes. I have set up a form on our website that will give you direct control over your subscription. You can choose to receive the Demogram via email only, via both email and printed copy, or only printed copy. The Executive Board feels that this is a way to push the decision making process out to you, our members.

The 46th District Democrats are committed to use our contributions wisely. The less we spend on printing and postage, the more trees we save and the more resources we have available to help support candidates and elected officials who support our platform.

Thank you for your help in streamlining our systems. Please let me know if you have any questions. It would be great to hear from you.

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