Friday, June 05, 2009

June Demogram is Posted

How many people were at the Mothers March for Health Care on May 30th? I was there with my son, marching with the King County Democrats. We all know that Health Care is one of the biggest issues we face, and our platform at the District, County and State level declares our strong support for a Single Payer option. There are other options on the table, and they should all be heard. But our platform articulates strongly that Single Payer is the best solution to the problem. I hope that the 5,000+ marchers in Seattle and across the country get the attention of our elected officials in Washington D.C. that we want everyone covered by a single system. Everybody in, nobody out.

Our June meeting is where we continue the process of selecting and supporting candidates for local office who will do on a local level what we hope our representatives in Congress will do on a National level. Our platform may not speak as clearly on many of the local issues, but our values hold true. Seeking Peace and Cooperation in order to get things done. The “Seattle Way” of endless debate must change so we can get some things done. We must do everything possible locally to reduce our negative impacts on the environment, and push instead for sustainability. Our children deserve a world with clean air, clean water, and opportunity for all. That’s what we stand for, and that’s what we want the candidates we elect to work for.

The endorsement procedures have not changed significantly since they were published in the January Demogram, except for some minor edits for the dates. Please see that issue for the details, or check our website for a copy.

Part of what our children deserve is a great education, and we have some members who are forming a focus group here in North Seattle to help push for improvements both from the inside and the outside. (See page 6)

We will need to give the Raymond Cole Committee some extra time to develop their plans and procedures. This is a huge undertaking, and we want to do it right.  Please keep the ideas and criteria coming!

Please read the rest of the June Demogram here!

Chad Lupkes
Chair, 46th District Democrats

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